What to Expect in July
We are OFFICIALLY in the second half of the training year, but before we talk about what is to come let’s reflect back on the month of June! Everyone got after the three Mid-Year Challenge workouts that highlighted some of the themes we will see in the second half of the year.
We completed a few named workouts - a test of Cali Bear and a retest of Fran. The Handstand Push-Up was our main gymnastics focus. We saw it once a week to help continue building confidence and capacity.
We also saw two GRIND workouts a week during the final month of our “Towing Capacity” cycle. This solidified our more anaerobic system (shorter duration, higher intensity), so we can now switch gears and build our aerobic (longer, lower intensity) system during our next phase. Lastly, we saw a barbell complex once a week to set us up for our next strength cycle (Oly Cycle) that will be all about the Snatch + Clean & Jerk!
In July, our strength cycle is going to start in the second week of the month. This is to account for the Fourth of July holiday week(end), when we traditionally see lots of athletes traveling. The first week of the month will see some nods for what’s to come, but the cycle won’t officially start until the following week, 7/8!
This Oly cycle will center around the Snatch + Clean & Jerk, culminating in a 1RM test!
Week 1 will be an opportunity to build to something heavy that can be used to base percentages on for the remaining weeks.
From there, we will see triples, doubles, and single reps leading into a deload and a 1RM test! We will also see alternating weeks of Back Squats and Deadlifts, which are supplemental lifts - the stars of the show are our two Oly lifts!
Our conditioning phase will switch to a focus on shorter, more explosive efforts, which means we’ll see more sprint workouts each week. The intent is to take the long-distance base we established in the last phase and now work on dialing up the intensity with these shorter, more explosive workouts. Getting uncomfortable with speed in a workout is required and that's what this phase is all about!
Our first benchmark, Jackie, highlights this concept perfectly! We will also see a retest of the Filthy Fifty, a hero workout on July 4th, and the classic Crossfit workout: Fight Gone Bad. The last big note for this month is a higher exposure to Pull-Ups, Chest to Bars, and Bar Muscle-Ups!
Olympic Lifting Cycle 7/8-8/18 (Snatch + Clean & Jerk)
Week 1: 3-3-3-2-2-1-1* (Sets of 3 in 60-70% range. Sets of 2 in 70-80% range. Sets of 1 in 80-90+% range)
Week 2: 5x3 @ (60-70%)
Week 3: 5x2 @ (70-80%)
Week 4: 5x1 @ (80-90+%)
Week 5: Deload
Week 6: 1RM Snatch + Clean & Jerk
July Weekly Workout Commitments
(2x/ Week) Oly Strength Cycle
(1x/ Week) Deadlift or Back Squat
(1-2x/ Week) Sprint Workouts
(1x/ Week) Workout of the Week or Benchmark/ Classic workout
(1x/ Week) Kipping PU, C2B, Bar Muscle-Up Capacity/ Focus
(1-2x/ Week) FLEX-style Finishers
Tell us your story - where did you grow up and what kind of activities did you do growing up?
I grew up in the Lake of the Ozarks area in Missouri. Growing up I liked to read and play video games. I got into long distance running in high school.
Tell us how you were first introduced to CrossFit? How long have you been doing CrossFit - any thoughts/comments on how it’s changed or influenced your life.
I was introduced to CrossFit from a friend at work back in 2016 I think so 8 years now. There was no gyms around Beale AFB, he just taught himself the movements through YouTube videos. He invited a couple of our mutual friends and me to workout with him and we were hooked.