What goals do you have within the next year - CrossFit and non-CrossFit?
Emily: I start Physical Therapy school in January! Which is super exciting. My goal in the next year is to balance school and the gym. The thought of being a doctoral candidate is insane to me, I feel like I'm still 15 years old sometimes! So really my main goal is to figure out a new routine that allows me the ability to continue CrossFit (and find a new gym in Texas!) and be a good student!
I still have yet to get down Double Unders and Ring Muscle-Ups, so those would be at the top of my goal list for CrossFit. I am currently training to represent the 780th Military Intelligence Brigade at the Army Ten-Miler in October, so I’ve been mixing in long runs whenever I can. I hope to wrap up qualifying in two specialties as an Army Cyber Capabilities Developer by the end of the year, which I’ve been making steady, gradual progress on in evenings after CrossFit.
Talk to us about your life outside of the gym - hobbies, favorite meal, music, job etc. Any random facts you want us to know?
I'm an amateur cyclist, you can find me most weekends going for a bike ride on the B&A or BWI trail. I also love to cook and bake; I love finding new recipes or creating new recipes. I'm known to bring in a huge Tupperware of cookies (or whatever) into work the next day to my coworkers because I experimented with a new crazy recipe and needed some feedback or because I have way too much leftover!
My day job is a Cyber Capabilities Developer with the Army, specializing in Unix Persistence. Most of my hobby time is taken up by the Georgia Tech M.S. in Computer Science program. I was lucky enough to take the Binary Exploitation class this semester, which is a lot of work, but is enjoyable. The course is structured like a Capture-the-Flag game. I also try to invest a good amount of time into honing in my C programming skills. There’s always something new to learn!
Do you have any advice for people getting started with CrossFit - what's helped you stay consistent and coming back day after day?
Emily: Don't give up on yourself! Crossfit is challenging, but it's the challenge that makes it worth it! Never be afraid to scale a workout, don't let your pride get in the way. You should be so proud of yourself for what your body is capable of and the resilience that you show each day. Sometimes I miss a workout (or two or three) because of whatever reason, but I always try to incorporate movement into my day, even if it is just a walk.
No matter what your background, there will be some aspect of CrossFit that’s challenging. It might be the Olympic lifts or gymnastics or keeping up with the volume, but some aspect will push you in a new way. Encourage yourself to stay consistent when possible, but life happens, which is okay. Missing a class here and there and taking rest days are not only okay, but necessary in a balanced life. Find a rhythm that works for you and stick with it!